We're leading the charge for systemic change and "boots on the ground" solutions to ensure that homelessness in New Jersey is rare, brief, and

The Coalition is a statewide, social impact organization [a 501(c)(3) non-profit] with one goal: to eradicate homelessness in New Jersey. Toward that end, the Coalition will advocate, educate, organize and, if necessary, litigate for emergency and permanent solutions to homelessness.
In 2011, attorney Jeffrey Wild won an injunction prohibiting the demolition of a large encampment of residents who were homeless in Lakewood, NJ. He went on to win a consent decree guaranteeing housing for all of the people living there. During this same period, Wild founded the NJ Coalition to End Homelessness to advocate for the rights of all NJ residents experiencing homelessness. For Wild, this work was personal; his father, who helped fund his law school education at Columbia University, had himself experienced homelessness during the Great Depression.

In 2022, Connie Mercer took over the helm at NJCEH full-time and is significantly broadening further the Coalition's work. Mercer has been called a "trailblazer" in caring for NJ's families who are homeless.
She is the founder and was the CEO for thirty-one years of HomeFront, one of NJ’s most innovative and largest providers of shelter and rehabilitative services for families in crisis. She has been inducted into NJ’s Hall of Fame for her work on homelessness and economic development, and been honored at the White House.

Connie Mercer
Executive Director

Kate Leahy
Associate Director

Lauren Borowick
Administrative Assistant
Alicia Alvarez
Americorps VISTA

Mary Gay Abbott-Young Rescue Mission of Trenton

Zammeah Bivins-Gibson Isaiah House

Susanne Byrne York Street Project

Reverend Angela Fields Family Promise of Hunterdon County

Gerard Gilliam YMCA of Paterson

Daniel McGuire Homeless Solutions, Inc.

Kent Pipes Affordable Homes Group

Shawn Sheekey Consultant (formerly Executive Director Joseph's House of Camden)

Richard Uniacke Bridges Outreach, Inc.

Jeffrey Wild Lowenstein Sandler LLP
NJ Shelter Providers Consortium Members
The Coalition is proud to partner with shelters and other agencies throughout the state who serve families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
Atlantic County
Avanzar (formerly Atlantic County Women's Center)
Covenant House New Jersey- Atlantic City
Bergen County
Bergen County Housing, Health and Human Services Center
Center for Hope and Safety (Shelter Our Sisters)
Christ Church Community Development Corporation
Family Promise of Bergen County
Greater Bergen Community Action
Burlington County
Affordable Homes Group, People First Program
Catholic Charities - Diocese of Trenton, Burlington Office
Family Promise of Burlington County
Impact Ministries of South Jersey
Camden County
Camden County Domestic Violence Center
Family Promise of Southwest NJ
Interfaith Homeless Outreach Council
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley - Anna Sample Complex
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley - Aletha Wright Center
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley - Home for the Brave Transitional Living Program
Cape May County
Family Promise of Cape May County
Cumberland County
Family Promise of Southwest NJ
Essex County
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: Hope House Family Shelter
Cornerstone Shelter, Montclair Citadel
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: St. Bridget's Residence
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: St. Rocco's Family Residence
Circle of Life Treatment Center and Shelter
Covenant House New Jersey - Newark
Family Promise of Essex County
Newark Transitional Corp.
New Jersey Community Research Initiative
New Community Corporation, Harmony House
St. Paul's Community Development Corporation Men's Shelter
Turning Point Community Services - Servant's House
YMCA/YWCA of Newark and Vicinity
Gloucester County
Family Promise of Southwest NJ
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley - Eleanor Corbett House
Hudson County
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: Canaan House
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: Hope House
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: Franciska Residence
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark: St. Lucy's Emergency Shelter
Family Promise of Hudson County
Palisades Emergency Residence Corporation (PERC)
Hunterdon County
Center for Great Expectations Halfway House for Women and Children
Family Promise of Hunterdon County
Mercer County
Better Community Housing of Trenton, Doorway to Hope
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton- Trenton Office
Emet Transitional Housing/Escher Street SRO Project
United Progress, Inc.
Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
Middlesex County
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Metuchen
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen: Ozanam Family Shelter
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen: Ozanam Inn
Center for Great Expectations Halfway House for Women and Children
Monmouth County
Affordable Housing Alliance - Monmouth County Adult Shelter
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton - Linkages
Emergency Housing and Advocacy Program, Inc.
Family Promise of Monmouth County
Women's Hospitality Network of Asbury Park
Morris County
Center for Great Expectations Halfway House for Women and Children
Family Promise of Morris County
Jersey Battered Women Services (JBWS)
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
Ocean County
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton - Linkages Office
Family Promise of the Jersey Shore
Interfaith Hospitality of Ocean County
Passaic County
Paterson Department of Health and Human Services
Paterson Task Force for Community Action
St. Paul's Community Development Corporation
Women and Families Ascending Association
Salem County
Family Promise of Southwest NJ
Somerset County
Center for Great Expectations Halfway House for Women and Children
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley - AGAPE House
Visions and Pathways - Brahma House
Sussex County
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Intervention Services
Family Promise of Sussex County
Union County
Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless
Family Promise of Union County
Warren County
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Crisis Center