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Power to the Polls

 Homeless Does Not Mean Voteless. Your Voice Matters!

The Power to the Polls campaign is a statewide movement to register, engage, and empower unhoused voters across New Jersey. 


2024 is the first year that NJCEH ran this campaign and because of its critical importance, this will be an ongoing project of the Coalition.


NJCEH is grateful for our incredible partners on this campaign, some of whom have done voter registration work for years, including the shelters, social service agencies, Lived Experience Local Advisory Committees for the NJ Office of Homelessness Prevention, outreach groups, drop-in centers, and more who are hosting voter registration parties and engaging unhoused voters. 

How to register in New Jersey?

The voter registration deadline in NJ is 3 weeks before a given election

Tuesday, October 15

Register Online
You can register to vote online here

Paper Voter
Print a paper voter registration form here.
You can check if you are registered

If you don't have a permanent address, you can register from a number of locations, based on where you can be contacted or the location where you spend most of your time.

Some examples of locations you can register from are listed in the "Homeless Does Not Mean Voteless" posters below, including a shelter or social service agency address, with more options outlined in the League of Women Voters of NJ’s Unhoused Voting Guide in our Data & Resources tab*


Register to vote

To register to vote, you only need to know the last 4 digits of your Social Security number or have a NJ driver’s license/non-driver ID number. NJ voters are not required to bring ID with them to the polls to vote.

You can register to vote in NJ if you were formerly incarcerated or are currently on probation or parole. To learn more about your voting rights if you are justice-impacted, visit the Department of State's Voter Restoration Handbook


There are 3 ways to vote in NJ: 

  • Early voting: Saturday, October 26-Sunday, November 3 (Mondays-Saturdays, 10 AM-8 PM, Sundays, 10 AM-6 PM). You can vote at any early voting location in your county

  • Election Day voting: Tuesday, November 5 from 6 AM-8 PM. You must go to your designated polling location on Election Day (which you can look up here)

  • Mail-in voting: You must return your mail in ballot by 8 PM on Election Day (either by mailing it back postmarked by 8 PM Election Day, putting it in a ballot dropbox, or bringing it to your County Board of Elections).

    You can find a vote-by-mail ballot application here. The deadline to mail back your application for a vote-by-mail ballot is Tuesday, October 29, although you can also go in person to your county clerk's office to request a vote-by-mail application until 3 PM Monday, November 4. 


Check your designated polling place on Election Day and your early voting locations here!

Other Important Deadlines:

  • October 26-November 3: NJ early voting period​

  • Tuesday, October 29: last day to apply by mail for a mail-in ballot​

  • Monday, November 4 by 3 PM: last day to request mail-in ballot in person at County Board of Elections​

  • Tuesday, November 5: 2024 Election Day​

    • Polls open from 6 AM-8 PM; all mail-in ballots must be postmarked or in ballot dropboxes by 8 PM​

  • Saturday, November 16: deadline to submit Ballot Cure Form to County Board of Elections​


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